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Solving Collaboration Challenges

Carlton Nettleton

Scrum, and other Agile frameworks, emphasize collaboration to achieve goals. The activities of Scrum and product management provide opportunities for collaboration. However, pretty much no guidance is given to product managers, or Agile practitioners, on how to effectively collaborate. This short course will provide specific guidance on what is collaboration, how to select the right collaboration framework to solve business problems and the differences between online and in-person collaboration.

Here is the course outline:

1. Exercise - Why Collaboration?

2. Video - Solving Collaboration Challenges

3. Apply Your Learning - Solving Collaboration Challenges

4. Conclusion - The Online Collaboration Experience

5. Challenge - Solving Collaboration Challenges

To complete this challenge, you will need to be actively working with a Scrum or Agile team. If you are not currently part of a Scrum or Agile team, please contact your instructor to unlock a hidden quest.

6. Feedback - Solving Collaboration Challenges


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Course Completion Certificate
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