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Developing Inclusive Solutions

Carlton Nettleton

One of the big challenges to overcome with any team (in-person or distributed) is maintaining momentum and follow though after a meeting is over. As a leader, one might believe everyone is in agreement on the next steps and action items, but only later does one come to find out that not everyone had bought in to the final decision. Ugh!! This course will help ensure when you leave a meeting, everyone has agreed with the final decision and committed to follow through.

Here is the course outline:

1. Exercise - A Typical Tale of Woe

2. Videos - Developing Inclusive Solutions

3. Apply Your Learning - Developing Inclusive Solutions

4. Conclusion - Reaching a Sustainable Agreement

5. Challenge - Decision Point in Four Steps

To complete this challenge, you will need to be actively working with a team (Scrum, Agile or non-Agile). If you are not currently part of a team, please contact your instructor to unlock a hidden quest.

6. Feedback - Developing Inclusive Solutions


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Course Completion Certificate
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